Little Sunshine

Mindfulness & Yoga
An image of children doing some meditation, Little Sunshine provide children with emotional development in the classroom.

schools & parents

Many of our children are under daily pressures, such as social media, peer pressure, meeting specific academic targets, and sometimes difficulties in their home life.  As teachers, it is partly our responsibility to support children’s emotional development in the classroom.

An image of people putting their hands together, Little Sunshine offer one to one or group mindfulness sessions which are held in Liverpool and improve your wellbeing.

Mindfulness with Katie

One to one or group adult mindfulness sessions are held in Liverpool, along with workplace workshops.   The focus on a range of mindfulness strategies that will improve your self-awareness, resilience, relationships and compassion.

Taking Worry Out Of The Classroom

Our book ‘Taking worry out of the classroom’ can be bought from Amazon.

This book is an easy to use tool for teachers and parents providing a range of mindful, self-esteem, emotions and creative activities to help build self-esteem, resilience and reduce anxiety.

This is a great book to help plan effective PSHE planning and reduce planning time.

Hello and Welcome

My name is Katie, the founder and creator of Little Sunshine Mindfulness & Yoga.  I have worked with children for over 20 years and within several childcare settings.  My qualifications include NVQ Level 4 in Childcare & Education along with a Primary Teaching Degree with Early Years a specialism.  I have also trained in Hatha Yoga, Beyoga children’s mindfulness/yoga and received a Mindfulness diploma.

My journey began when I started practicing yoga in 2011, I quickly began to realise how focusing on the breath during yoga and practicing meditation quietened my mind, developed my awareness, creativity and intuition.  I became much calmer; it improved my resilience and positivity, and this had a huge impact on my overall wellbeing.  This encouraged me to want to learn more, so I began reading inspirational books, and practicing meditation and mindfulness.  As I began to develop my knowledge, I wanted to share my journey and experience with others.

I am extremely passionate about teaching mindfulness and meditation.  It is evident that the younger we teach children how to deal with their emotions, the less children will suffer with insecurities and low self-esteem in later years.  Together we can make a positive change!


An image of Katie doing some meditation, Katie is the founder and creator of Little Sunshine Mindfulness and Yoga, she has 20 years experience with children.
An image of Katie and a Child doing yoga that Little Sunshine provide to help wellbeing and improve self esteem.
Image of Katie and a student doing yoga which develops awareness and improves your mental health.
Contact us

07715 532 463

Copyright © 2022 Little Sunshine Yoga

Open Hours

M-F: 9am - 5pm