Evaluation of 8 session self-esteem programme

Recently, we held an 8-session self-esteem programme to understand the impact of children’s mental health and well-being. This programme evaluated a year 5 class with 29 children, both boys and girls at St Luke’s Primary School in Prescot, Knowsley.

We asked the children 7 questions about their feelings at the beginning and the end of the 8-week programme to identify what areas of well-bring has been improved. We delivered a range of self-esteem activities, creative activities, mindfulness, meditation and peer massage. The aim of this was to find how children’s emotional well-being was improved and if anxiety was reduced during the 8 weeks. The sessions are planned to reduce anxiety, build self-esteem, resilience, and positive relationships. We also wanted to provide life-long strategies for children to support their emotional and spiritual development.

Little Sunshine Mindfulness and Yoga created an 8 session self-esteem programme, data was gathered to help measure the positive impact on children’s mental health and well-being. 29 children took part and we asked 7 questions both at the start and upon completion, they were given 4 options to assess how they were feeling: None of the time – Sometimes – Often – All the Time. The impact can be seen here for the best outcome of All the time.

Feeling Positive:



Feeling Confident:



Feeling Relaxed:



Feeling Good about Myself:



Feeling Loved:



Interested in new things:



Feeling Happy:



i’ve been feeling positive

The data demonstrates that the children feeling positive ‘sometimes’ at the beginning of the session was high, however following the sessions more children were feeling positive ‘often’ and ‘all of the time’.

During the sessions we deliver activities that encourage children to focus on gratitude, routines to start their day in a positive way, focus on what has been good about their day and strategies to reduce anxiety and stress.

i’ve been feeling confident

The data shows that the majority of children were feeling confident ‘sometimes’ with only one child feeling confident all of the time.  Following the sessions the ‘all of the time’ has risen demonstrating the impact that the sessions have had on the children’s confidence.

During the sessions the children have been engaging in confidence building activities such as using body language to build confidence, focusing on their own unique qualities, not comparing themselves to others and encouraging children to speak in front of the class.

i’ve been feeling relaxed

The data demonstrates that following the sessions children were feeling more relaxed with no children feeling relaxed ‘none of the time’.  This demonstrates there was some improvement in children feeling calm.

During the sessions we deliver meditation using calming music and encourage children to practice in the home environment.  We also deliver breathing techniques to help children feel calmer, particularly if they have anxiety, and a range of fun, themed peer massage to help children relax through the sense of touch.  We also encourage children to do massage at home with their family to help children who struggle with sleeping.

i’ve been feeling loved

The data shows that there is a rise in children feeling loved ‘all of the time’ by the end of the sessions.

During the sessions we focus on what love is, how do we show love to others, the importance of kindness and compliments, who we love and who loves us.

i’ve been feeling good about myself

The data shows that there is a considerable rise in children feeling good about themselves ‘all the time’ at the end of the sessions.  This demonstrates that the sessions have had a positive impact on how the children feel about themselves helping them build confidence.

During the sessions we encourage children to share ideas, work in groups, focus on their achievements, confidence building activities and being creative.

i’ve been interested in new things

The data shows that although some children were ‘none of the time’ interested in new things following the sessions the children had began to focus on things they were interested in, giving them motivation and determination to reach their goals.

During the sessions we focus on goal setting, what they like to do and achievements.  This helps the children to plan and create objectives, focusing their energy onto positive things.

i’ve been feeling happy

The data shows that although none of the children felt happy ‘none of the time’ at the beginning of the sessions, many of the children were feeling happy ‘sometimes’, ‘often’ and ‘all the time’.  Following the sessions, the children feeling happy ‘all the time’ had increased.

During the sessions all the activities are planned to help children feel confident, focus on achievements, how to deal with anger and emotions, how to be more mindful and how to reduce stress.  When practicing these strategies children will automatically start to feel happier in themselves.

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07715 532 463


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